Why now it is so important to cultivate quality relationships

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Now we are all going through a difficult life period – some to a greater and some to a lesser extent. But life changes affect everyone – one way or another.

Contrary to popular belief, stressful periods do not provoke problems in relationships, but rather they expose them, bringing them to the fore. We no longer can easily ignore the condition of relationships we have with other people – what kind of people they are, how we feel around them, and whether our needs are met or not.

We often write about the importance of having a “social network” – the circle of people that surrounds you and the quality of relationships with them. Do you feel good being around them? Is high-quality and fulfilling communication possible? Do you feel support and acceptance?

Or is your social circle toxic and draining your energy?

Today it is especially important to have stable ties with people who share your basic values because this is what allows you to recover, feel supported, and know that you belong.

Shared values ​​are not about liking the same music or reading the same books. It’s not about the same tastes in food, the style of clothing, or hobbies – these issues do not matter much. Basic values ​​are a kind of moral foundation that determines our world views: the priorities that we are guided by when setting goals for ourselves. Through the prism of basic moral values, we assess our actions, intentions, and other people.

Many of us are now faced with the fact that our usual social circle got broken or changed. And it is not entirely clear how to restore what is lost. Most likely, there have always been differences in values, but it was not possible to see them before. Or more precisely, it was possible not to see – to ignore them.


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You are not sure where to begin?

Now is the time to work on strengthening the ties that are still important and forming new ones that will fill the voids that have formed and help you feel more resilient.

How to do it?

○ Analyze your social circle – who is in it, how you feel with these people, and the quality of these relationships.

○ Start reconnecting with those people who are interesting and dear to you – call, write, or meet with them.

○ Strengthen the relationships with your loved ones: communicate more often and not only on everyday issues. Allocate time to meet, be sincerely interested in them, listen attentively, talk about your feelings, and spend quality time together.

○ Reduce contacts with those who drain your energy and make you feel empty, irritated, and tired.

Working on the quality of relationships is very important. Good relationships make us feel inspired and give us a sense of support and confidence. And that’s what all of us need, right?

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