How to use your Mindspa promo code:

Make sure you have your code ready. The promo code consists of 16 characters, in the following format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX

The code can be used to activate a Mindspa course and contains both capital letters and numbers, so you have to pay attention, for example, to the difference between the number “0” and the capital letter “O“.

Below you can find detailed instructions on how to use your code, depending on your device:

If you have an Apple iOS device:

If you have an iPhone, here’s how to use the code:

– Go to:
– Log into your account (if you don’t have one, you can register)
– Enter you promo code
– Open the app Mindspa

The course will then unlock and you can start following the lessons!

If you have an Android device:

If you have a smartphone with Android, here’s how to use the code:

– Open the Mindspa app
– Click on “More” from the menu bar
– Click on “Promo Code
– Click on “Add New
– Enter your promo code

The course will then unlock and you can start following the lessons!

Keep in mind that one new lesson will unlock each day, for the whole duration of the course. Don’t worry if you skip a day, the lesson will remain there waiting for you. 

In case of any issues, please write an email to [email protected].

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