How to take care of yourself?

It turns out that many of us were not taught to take care of ourselves. But some of us were taught diligently – these “wonderful” things: do not wake up your brother, do not upset your mother, do not disappoint your Dad. We were encouraged to do even basic things to please our Mom or Dad. 

No wonder that now, when you hear about self-care and self-compassion, you simply don’t understand what people are talking about. 

Self-care is a skill. The same type of skill as, for example, walking or using kitchen utensils. This skill can be and should be developed. 

You should start with simple things. With the very simple, basic, everyday ones. 

1. Eat properly. 

Properly doesn’t mean “a lot”. Your meals should be of high quality and have a good nutritional value. Be mindful when you are choosing your food. Do not “throw in” food on autopilot. Stop, read the label, think about it – will this product bring you benefits or harm? And in general, does this product deserve to be admitted into your precious body? 

2. Be clean and comfortable. 

The place where we live determines our state of mind to a large extent. You cannot come home into a dirty “carton box” and feel wonderful. It is important for people to reside in a clean and comfortable home that smells nice. No, it doesn’t mean that you should become obsessed with constant cleaning. But it does mean that you need to dispose of the piles of old magazines, remove pistachio shells from under your bed, and clean the greasy spots on your kitchen walls. 

3. Take care of your body. 

The two main pillars of this type of self-care are regular medical checkups and paying attention to your bodily needs. Teach yourself to notice if you are sitting/standing comfortably, if your clothing and shoes fit you well. Do not “hold it” when you need to go to the bathroom. Do not “torture” yourself with hunger and thirst. 

4. Every day is better than the one before.

Make it a habit – do something every day to make your life a little better. Read an article, move the armchair that is often in your way, fix the loose board on your deck, plan a healthy breakfast meal in advance – so that you could start your day on a positive note. 

5. Communicate with yourself. 

As if you were talking to a friend. Ask yourself – how are you doing? How is your mood? What would you like? And, of course, if you can, give yourself those things. 

These are simple and easy rules – if you follow them regularly, they will slowly change your way of life. If you try following them for a month, in 30 days, you will notice how the colors of your world became brighter. 


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