Hello there! Today, you are moving to a new building in our resort – the department for restoring and improving self-esteem. This week will be devoted to the topic “treat yourself better”.
Let us start by analyzing your current state.
Please, allocate 5-10 minutes and answer the following questions:
On a scale from 1 to 10, evaluate how happy you are with your self-esteem.
What facts did you consider when assigning this score?
Which out of these facts can you change and which – cannot?
What specifically can you do to improve your score by 1 point? What about 2 points?
Write down these steps.
Try to do these steps at least to some degree during the next week.
We’ll see you tomorrow!
If you want to work on your relationship with yourself and your self-esteem, you can take our course <fill in details here>
Self-therapy can be an essential tool for personal growth and self-improvement.
Browse through our courses and see the positive changes they can bring to your life.
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