11 signs of healthy relationship with… your own self!

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1. You are content with being on your own. When this happens, you feel great, never bored, and pleasantly occupied. You know how to entertain yourself, or simply relax and take it easy. 

2. You trust yourself.

3. You make decisions on your own, make selections; take responsibility for your actions. 

4. You are in touch with your own feelings and emotions. You recognize them, deal with them, control their intensity, and know how to express them.

5. You invest in yourself. Self-improvement, health, pleasure, and comfort.

6. Your self-criticism is up to par. You clearly see your strong sides and your weak sides. You recognize it when you have done something wrong. You admit to your misconduct and transgressions. Yet you do not berate yourself. Rather you deal with consequences and learn from your mistakes. 

7. You are able to support yourself. You know what’s good for you and you use it to your advantage. When needed you are not above asking others for help. You don’t consider this a weakness. 


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8. You make yourself happy. There is enough in your life to gratify yourself. And you are responsible for all of that.

9. You know yourself.

10. You respect your own boundaries. You have a clear understanding of what is acceptable with respect to you and what is not. You know how to bring that information across to other people. If people somehow ignore you – you take a stand. 

11. You are successful in dealing with other people. You recognize the importance of relationships as such. You surround yourself with good people.

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