What is the best smell to cheer up?

Various smells and odors cause emotional and physical reactions in our body due to a special effect on the hormonal background. Therefore, we can use them to call different emotions and states. We can use them to improve our mood, which can be affected by many factors. 

We have compiled for you a selection of 4 aromatic oils, which can be used to evoke strength and spirit. 

  • Cedar tree essential oil is used for emotional cleansing. It helps to cheer up, makes you feel warm and comfortable. 

It acts gently and combines both relaxing and restorative properties. 

The best way to use it is in an aroma lamp. 

  • Rosemary essential oil has a stimulating, invigorating and refreshing aroma that lifts the mood. This smell is able to remove mental and emotional blocks, thus releasing a lot of new energy. 

In Eastern philosophy, it’s believed that rosemary oil provides good luck, protection from negative influences, and mental and spiritual development. Who knows… maybe you are going to win in a lottery thanks to it. 

Candles and aroma lamps are a great option for home use. 

  • Lemon essential oil refreshes, energizes and cleanses. 

Its bright, rich aroma helps prevent mental exhaustion, anxiety, nervousness, and feelings of tension. In addition, it also improves mood and increases efficiency by affecting our concentration. 

Lemon oil can be added to cosmetic products. You can even take it with you for all the situations when you need to cheer up a bit. 

  • Patchouli essential oil is famous for its aroma and is often used in skincare procedures, forming emotional balance, awakening sensuality and romantic mood. 

In ancient times, it was believed that this smell attracts the energy and financial prosperity to one who uses it. 

We tend to believe that patchouli is a wonderful awakening smell. In addition, it’s especially good to use in the morning, for example, with shower gel. 
