Self-care: 5 morning rituals for anxious people

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We know how hard it is to live with increased anxiety, especially when on top of your constant inner storm you also get an outer storm of events. But we also know that a person is able to manage their anxiety and stress even in the hardest times.

Here are a few morning rituals that will help you gradually reduce your levels of background anxiety, and will charge you with energy.

1. Conscious awakening

Immediately after waking up:

– Measure your pulse rate;

– Mentally scan your body to see if there is any tension or clamps; if there is – relax these spots;

– Take 10 deep breaths imagining that you breathe in and out with your whole body.

Only after that you can take your phone (by the way, it’s better if you don’t touch it for the first half hour after waking up) or get up.

2. Morning thoughts

It’s also better to do this exercise immediately after waking up, before your brain gets busy. Write down 5-10 random words or thoughts that are on your mind. If there are more, write them all down.

This practice allows you to unload the brain, to remove excessive triggers.

3. Rubbing massage

After your morning shower, BE SURE to thoroughly rub your whole body with your hands, so that it becomes warm (or even hot). If you don’t like rubbing, you can use patting: pat your whole body first from bottom up, and then from top to bottom. Anxious people often experience lack of connection with their body. This ritual helps you “regain yourself” and give you a sense of stability.

4. Planning the day


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You are not sure where to begin?

Our anxious brain loves planning. When we make a to-do list (and then cross things out), we produce dopamine. So instead of updating the news feed to see what has happened overnight, devote 5 minutes to writing down your key goals for the day. You must include points about self-care and fun in your plan.

5. Mood color

Every morning choose your mood color (you mustn’t pick grey, brown or black). For example, today you’re choosing yellow. What do you associate it with? You may associate it with joy, warmth, kindness, and so on. During the day you have to keep in mind that your mood color for the day is yellow, and monitor it: is it still bright, or is it starting to darken and turn brownish? If you see that your mood color is fading, find an anchor: look for yellow objects around you. Bring your color back.

And be sure to use the full complexes of body practices from our course Care. They take 3-5 minutes and help you regulate emotional balance. 

You can find the course Care in the Courses section.

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