Studies have shown that 75% of women feel anxious and scared when driving a car. If you are one of them, we have good news – you can get on top of these feelings.
“I want to” but “I’m scared” — is a typical sign of inner conflict that always represents two equally strong, but divergent tendencies. Let’s analyze both of them:
Why are you scared to drive?
1. Anxiety
It usually triggers the following thoughts:
○ So many bad things can happen when I’m driving!
○ I may lose control and injure somebody.
○ I don’t know how to deal with traffic police; if they stop me, I’ll blank out completely.
○ I don’t always read traffic signs right, I might take a wrong turn.
○ What if I bump into another car? It’s so much trouble and time wasted!
○ I’d better not get behind the wheel in this weather. I don’t want to get stuck on the road.
You can also feel anxiety in the body. It can manifest itself as rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, an urgent need to go to the toilet, breathing issues, or itching.
2. Fear
It is always aimed at something specific from your past experience. For example, some time ago you witnessed or became a victim of a road accident and now you are afraid to get behind the wheel.
3. Stereotypes, beliefs, and mindsets
They imply believing in something that you haven’t really tested in real life. They could emerge as aftereffect of a particular life experience (often someone else’s experience), and you perceive them as true, although their validity is rather questionable.
For example:
○ I’m not the right age to drive, I’m too old for that.
○ A woman is more impulsive than a man, she shouldn’t drive.
○ Driving is not my thing. I don’t want to be another “dumb Dora” on the road.
○ They don’t respect female drivers. Why should I compete with men on the road?
○ All women are bad drivers.
Why do you want to drive?
You can add your personal motivation to this list.
1. Freedom of movement. There are many places where it’s easier, more convenient, and faster to get to by car. And when you can drive, you don’t depend on anyone.
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2. Status. For some people, the driving skill opens up career opportunities and facilitates promotion. Driving helps maintain your status, and characterizes personal and professional growth.
3. An additional anti-stress zone. As soon as you can relax behind the wheel, the car will become your space for dynamic meditation. Many people see driving as a way to relieve stress, reload and take a break.
4. Fulfilling desires. Sometimes the absence of a car and/or unwillingness to drive prevents you from living the life you want. Maybe you’ve been dreaming of moving to the country, or traveling all over Europe.
Now you know that you can find motivation for driving in many different ideas.
“I want to” and “I’m scared” will always be confronting each other. So you need to minimize the failure attitude (fears, anxieties, stereotypes, mindsets — everything that screams “I’m scared” in your head) and maximize your motivation for calm and confident driving.
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