Here’s your checklist for an efficient day!

Who are those amazing people, who have time to do a lot of things at work during the day? They have time to work out, drive the car to the service, bake a cake and even say the following words at the end of the day: “I don’t want to watch TV series today… Shall I read?”

No, they didn’t sell their souls to the devil. They just learned to listen to the rhythms of their body, manage their resources and use these 1440 minutes intelligently and with maximum benefit.

And, most importantly, they live in the rhythm that suits them. 

Here are the best recommendations, which will help you feel better, set your own priorities, and get the most out of your day. 


Morning rituals are important. They set the mood.  Here are the easiest ways to revive yourself after sleep. 


A glass of water on an empty stomach helps to wake your body up. 

3 minutes for the body 

The perfect options are to start the day with morning exercises. They improve blood circulation and lymph flow, as well as give a burst of energy. But, we are all different… so choose wisely. Alternative charging options: Active stretching in bed and light exercises in the same place; favorite yoga asanas; rubbing with a washcloth in the shower and hydro massage with water jets.  Give your body at least THREE MINUTES. 

Breakfast. One of the schools of healthy eating believes that people are divided into two types: Those who need breakfast like air, and those who really can’t eat a single piece in the morning. If you’re one of the second, try to think about alternative breakfast options. What about a light fruit puree? Or a smoothie? After all, it’s not necessary to eat a plate of porridge. 


It won’t take even five minutes, but it will perfectly organize your entire day, without letting your energy go anywhere. Just write down (!) your tasks on paper. If your tasks will be like horses galloping in your head, you will lose all the energy in a matter of minutes.

There are a lot of methods for making plans for the day, choose the one that works for you. For example, use the 1-3-5 method: Each day, we choose one important thing, three medium-sized things, and five minor things. You need to define the number of things and their urgency. You need to understand that a tick located opposite the completed task, will give you strength and motivation to move forward.

Neural aerobics 

It’s extremely useful to do exercises during the day to activate different parts of the brain. 

Sit back and listen to the sounds around you with your eyes closed. First, try to identify at least six sounds. Then 9. Then 12. Name them to yourself. 

Close your eyes and try to identify objects on your desk or workplace by touch. Move some objects and then try to put them back with your eyes closed.


Developing our own reward system: I will make a report and I will buy a delicious berry tea during the break; I will fill out all the receipts and I will watch a 10-minute video on YouTube; I will complete all the tasks by the end of the day and I will relax in the bathroom with foam and salt. 


In order for the next day to be better than the previous one, you need to praise yourself. Make it a habit to write down at least 5 deeds of the day before going to sleep. You need to read them and praise yourself for doing them. 

You need to remember that even in the case when you had no time to make a lot of work, you also did something good because the body and mind were given a rest. You need to understand that taking care of yourself and choosing a comfortable rhythm is the most important thing. 

Effective people are not those who make tons of tasks in an hour. These are people, who know how to live in a comfortable rhythm and be productive within it. 
