Problem Gambling

40 lessons

This course is specifically designed to support individuals in their journey towards recovery from gambling addiction. Through a step-by-step approach, you will learn how to manage your gambling urges in order to regain control over your life.




Gambling problems can happen to anyone, regardless of socioeconomic status. Gambling stimulates the brain’s reward system, much like drugs or alcohol, and over time this can lead to an addiction.

If you have a problem with compulsive gambling, you may:

  • chase bets that lead to greater losses
  • hide your behavior to friends and family
  • deplete savings
  • accumulate debt
  • or even resort to theft or fraud to support your addiction.

Compulsive gambling is a serious condition that can strain relationships and destroy lives, but although it may feel like you’re powerless to stop gambling, there are things you can do to recover.




This course is designed to help you overcome gambling addiction and build a healthier and more fulfilling life. Through a combination of lectures and practical exercises, you will learn proven strategies and techniques for managing your urges and reducing the negative impact gambling has on your life.

The course has been created by a team of psychologists specialised in addictive and compulsive behaviours, and it combines different treatment techniques, including CBT and Gestalt therapy.

The program is divided in 3 parts and covers topics such as:

  • symptoms of gambling addiction
  • causes and triggers of gambling addiction
  • the impact on mental health, relationships, and finances
  • strategies for managing and reducing gambling addiction
  • techniques for managing cravings and urges to gamble
  • the importance of support from friends and family
  • the role of self-care in managing the addiction

Whether you are struggling with gambling yourself or looking to support someone who is, this is an excellent resource for understanding the addiction and learning how to manage and overcome it.




The course takes place in the Mindspa app, available for free download on GooglePlay and AppStore. Throughout the course, new lessons will unlock every day for the whole duration of the course. You will have the opportunity to write notes and answer tasks directly in the app. Access to the course will remain open forever, even after completing the last lesson. Furthermore, in the app, you will be able to take advantage of free resources such as articles, a therapeutic diary, coping exercises and much more.

Start your course today and you will quickly notice positive effects.



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