Target: loneliness, inability to create a relationship, “getting into” a bad relationship.
What it solves: find out why I’m single, get rid of internal obstacles blocking me from my relationships, rewrite the script, stop being lonely, and stop choosing the wrong men.
Suitable for: people who can’t find love and create relationships, people who time after time find themselves at the bottom of the barrel, people who no one pays attention to.
Theses: we take apart the causes of loneliness: attitudes, thoughts, behaviors, restrictions; analyze what messages discourage us from our relationship; understand the stage at which everything goes wrong (you don’t meet anyone new, you meet someone but you don’t like them, it never gets past the first date, everyone wants only sex, the relationship doesn’t last long, you come across only married men, and so on), we learn alternative scripts and viewpoints, form a non-single lifestyle, and open up to people and relationships.
This course is our bestseller. And deservedly so. People who complete it diligently tell us about truly magical changes.
How is the program structured:
During our psycho-educational course, created by a team of psychologists expert in various disciplines, you will learn the theory but you will also be tasked with many exercises to test your progress. We’ll analyze aspects to improve, we’ll become familiar with new concepts, we’ll learn to define and express our needs & to focus on our growth. At the end of the program, you will be able to notice changes in your thinking and behaviour, and you will start to see life from a new perspective.
Throughout the course, new lessons will be unlocked every day for the whole duration of the course. You will have the opportunity to write notes and answer tasks directly in the app. Access to the course will remain open forever, even after completing the last lesson. Furthermore, in the app, you will be able to take advantage of other free resources such as articles, a therapeutic diary, coping skill exercises and much more.
The course is accessible from the app Mindspa, available for download on GooglePlay and AppStore.
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