Simple breathing techniques

Breathing practices have a beneficial effect both on the physical health and general psychological state of a person. Relieving anxiety, coping with stress, cheering oneself up, relaxing, and releasing tension in the body are among the many things that can be done with the help of breathing. 

Here are five simple exercises for everyday use. Try them out. Choose the ones that suit you best. Just don’t forget the main rule: engage in breathing every day, at least 5 minutes per day. 

1. Hello from school.

This is one of the simplest yet very effective techniques that physical education class gave us in school. 

Align your feet at shoulder width. When you inhale through your nose, slowly raise your hands up at your sides. Then, exhale through your mouth while slowly lowering your hands. 5 – 10 repetitions will help calm down and normalize breathing.  

2. Puffing.

Assume a comfortable position and slowly inhale through your nose. Then, with little pauses, exhale through your mouth. You’ll make sounds that’ll be similar to “ho-ho-ho.” 7 – 10 cycles are recommended.

3. Bee breathing.

Sit down comfortably. Close your eyes and ears. Take a deep breath, and then exhale slowly, making an “mmm” sound. You’ll feel how nicely your vocal chords vibrate. This technique will allow you to relax and will instill your body with a pleasant feeling.

4. Ball.

Sit in a comfortable position and put a palm on your stomach. Take a breath through your nose slowly and inflate your stomach as if it were a balloon. Then, slowly breathe out through your mouth. Do 7 – 10 cycles.

5. Antistress.

Assume a comfortable position and while inhaling deeply through your nose, begin to squeeze your fists so that by the end of the breath they are compressed with the maximum amount of force possible. Then, exhale sharply and relax your palms. Do 7 – 10 cycles. This technique is perfect both for ending a difficult day at work, and for reducing anxiety before a significant event.        


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