Depression or bad mood?

A bad mood is sometimes mistakenly referred to depression, but the latter is a serious diagnosis that only a psychiatrist can make. Let’s figure out when the problem is a temporary bad mood, and when it’s a possible symptom of the disease.

1. Low mood

The Norm: a drop in mood in response to some kind of a sad and stressful event can last for several days, but after 10-14 days, the body usually recovers and gradually starts to demand positive emotions as well.

Reason to see a doctor: low mood without any hint of positive emotions for more than 14 days (especially if there was no significant reason).

2.Anhedonia (loss of interest and pleasure from previously pleasant activities or significant events).

The Norm: again, in response to a serious stressful event, a loss of interest in work, study, and life in general may be prevalent for a while. But after about 10 days, this condition begins to dissipate and positive dynamics make an appearance.

Reason to see a doctor: more than 2 weeks there’s a lack of pleasure from the good news. Meeting with friends or a beloved dog doesn’t bring any pleasure and joy.

3. Exhaustion and increased fatigue.

The Norm: after some kind intensive work or a long period when the work-life balance was disturbed, it’s natural for a person to experience exhaustion. With the help of a vacation, the body and the psychological state are restored.

Reason to see a doctor: loss of strength and increased fatigue have occurred in the course of the regular day-to-day life for no apparent reason and are happening for more than 2 weeks.


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4. Thoughts about death and suicide.

The Norm: we all think about death occasionally, and sometimes, the thought of suicide flies through our heads. But if a person is critical of it, understands its absurdity, and reasoning about death is philosophical in nature, then there’s nothing critical in that. You can contact a therapist, but you shouldn’t suspect yourself to have depression.

Reason to see a doctor: thoughts of death become attractive: “I’d rather be dead”, ideas about suicide are not refuted, but are actually considered as a way out of the situation.

5. Sleep disorder

The Norm: as a result of an acute stressful situation, we might have problems with sleep: it’s difficult to fall asleep, you’re getting nightmares or constantly waking up in the middle of the night. But usually, once the problem is solved, sleep is also improved.

Reason to see a doctor: sleep disturbance for no apparent reason, including sleeping more than 10-12 hours a day for more than a week – these are already alarming signals.

6. Appetite disorders

The Norm: we always respond to stressful situations either by loss of appetite, or by the desire to overeat. It’s best to deal with the letter with the help of a therapist, but we can’t talk about the presence of depression here.

Reason to see a doctor: loss of appetite or an insatiable feeling of hunger for no reason for 2 weeks.

As you can see, the main points are that depression doesn’t occur in response to an event, but by itself. Yes, sometimes it’s possible that a painful situation serves as a trigger, and then in this case we look at the duration of the symptoms. If they last for 2 weeks, then this is a good reason to consult with a specialist.

Take care!
