Debunking money myths

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Our financial expert answered the most frequent questions and beliefs about money. 

They say that anyone can make big money…

First of all, everyone has their own notion of “big money”. 

And, secondly, there is a certain ceiling. It depends on the current point (you can’t just make 10 000 000 from zero), on the opportunities, on the person’s characteristics. 

So, the truth sounds like this: 

Everyone can improve THEIR financial state within THEIR capabilities at this particular time.

They say that there’s a special kind of money magic… 

Well … of course it exists. We aren’t blind, we see all the posts, articles, and rituals. Many different things exist, the question is: do they work? 

The truth is the following: 

There is no evidence base for money magic. And it is more likely harmful than helpful, because it evokes infantilism in a person. Like “I’ll do this, and money will flow like water”. 

And what if it doesn’t? 🙂

They say the more you spend, the more you get… 

By the way, it’s a good rule, it’s just that it’s not always interpreted correctly. It’s not a safe strategy to spend mindlessly, to spend just in order to get more, to spend everything you have. 

Here’s the truth: 


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You are not sure where to begin?

It is important to learn to ALLOW YOURSELF BETTER CONDITIONS. For instance, not to economize when you can do without skimping, to spend on your comfort and pleasure (to the extent that is safe for you and your stability at this stage).

They say that money energy exists…

In fact, it does. Just like any other energy. In different cultures, money is associated with different elements, hence the origin of rituals, and ways to activate money energy. 

The truth is this: 

Does money have energy? It does. 

Does your income level depend on energy activation rituals? No, they won’t do anything by themselves. 

Our prosperity level is made up of many factors. For example, whether we are in the right place, whether we do the right job, what we invest in our own growth, what we think about money, etc.

They say that there is some distinctive rich thinking …

Indeed, there is. As a rule, people with good income are free from financial prejudice, their heads are not cluttered with limiting mindsets and money anxiety, moreover, these people know how to enjoy their earnings. 

Money makes them feel healthy, rather neutral emotions.

The truth is this: 

Any work on improving your financial state begins with thinking.

They say that money can’t buy happiness … 

Depends on how much money you have ☺ In reality, of course money itself doesn’t bring happiness. As, by the way, it doesn’t bring misery. 

Money is just a tool. And it all depends on the hands that are holding it and how skillful they are. 

Here’s the truth: 

Happiness is a subjective notion, and each person has their own kind of happiness, and more than one. 

Money provides OPPORTUNITIES to achieve happiness.

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