Adult approach VS Childish approach 

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How does the adult approach in relationships and communication differ from the childish one? Let us give you some examples. 

👶 Childish approach: You’re bad!

🧐 Adult approach: What you’re doing is hurting me.

👶 Childish approach: You need to change!

🧐 Adult approach: We need to change our relationship.

👶 Childish approach: Give me!!

🧐 Adult approach: I need…Do you have it?

👶 Childish approach: If you don’t give me what I want, you don’t love me!

🧐 Adult approach: You have the right not to satisfy all my desires.

👶 Childish approach: It’s simple: there is black and white!

🧐 Adult approach: Every situation has shades and undertones, as well as black and white sides.


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You are not sure where to begin?

👶 Childish approach: Things are really bad with us!

🧐 Adult approach: We have our issues, but we have other things that keep us together.

👶 Childish approach: I’m not talking to you!

🧐 Adult approach: It’s hard for me to interact with you right now, because I’m overwhelmed by emotions. Give me some time to calm down.

The childish approach indicates psychological immaturity, “getting stuck” in one of the phases of emotional development. Fortunately, it’s never too late to “mature”, a person is able to change their approach in adulthood, and once you start doing this, positive changes in your relationship won’t take long to come.

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